ROWing to Success!

Happy Sunday, everyone!ROW80

This is my third ROWnd. I had my ups and downs during ROW80 twice before, so I don’t expect for perfection this time either. I am, however, striving for perfection!

Please check out ROW80 for yourself! Creator, Kait Nolan, offers a flexible, supportive atmosphere for meeting your writing goals. There are sooo many awesome people involved and they make it so much fun! Meet the Sponsors, too. They are the best cheerleaders you could ever hope to have.

I’m checking in for my 1st ROW80 update  in ROWnd 1 and I’m so freakin’ excited! *jumping up and down*

Finally. Finally. I’ve got my s&!t together. I’m on track with my goals for the ROW

  1. Continue with my 13-month Health Challenge. Read about that HereMy health goal is to walk 30 minutes, 4 days a week. Score! Come join me in getting fit and healthier this year! Tell me in your comment what you need to work on.
  2.  Write on my projects – 4-5 days per week for a weekly total of 2,500 words. I did it! In fact I overdid it! I wrote on 4 days for a total of 3,000 words for the week.
  3. Streamline my social media and support efforts so that I visit all my blogger friends and ROW80 friends over the course of each week. Tweeting, also, for my friends to help promote their work. I improved a lot on this. I’ve commented on 30 ROW80 blogs this week, on all my LLC writer’s blogs, I joined Women’s Literary Cafe and participated in the “Get more LIKES on Facebook game” where I met and LIKED 125 writers and I’ve already been visited and LIKED by 23 of those wonderful writers! I’ve also commented on most of my other friend’s blogs. I’ve tweeted the blogs I’ve commented on and have been diligent in following new twitter followers sooner than later. I even tweeted stuff that wasn’t promoting my blog and RTed other friends’ tweets. Whew! But it didn’t take me as long as you might think. I’ll tell you how I did it all in a reasonable amount of time on my Friday Life List Club post at Jess Witkin’s place.

It feels so good to have a successful week! All the writing I did was on one of my short stories for my anthology. I’m pretty close to finishing it now. Then on to the next one. I hope to have the collection ready for editing by the end of February.

Anyone interested in Beta reading for me during February? If so, leave me a note in your comment.

If you didn’t have an easy time of it this week, don’t let my good week make you feel badly. This is the 1st really good week I’ve ever had on the ROW. So, if you have a tough week now and then don’t sweat it. I’ll bet you made some good progress. Some progress is better than none at all and next week is bound to be even better. Chin up! Besides I’m your cheerleader, just like you’ve been mine! *shaking pompoms* You can do this!

If you had a great week, like me, !Woohoo! Congratulations! I hope your momentum continues throughout the 80 days!

If you haven’t tried a writing challenge before and feel intimidated by the idea of it, DON’T BE! This is the friendliest place to be for your first writing challenge! You must try it. DO IT NOW! Click here. Come on!


Wednesday is my blog’s Brithday Party! I announced it last Wednesday and mentioned a couple of contests. If you missed it, check it out here. There’s still time to enter.

Friday is the  wildly popular Life List Club and we’re welcoming a new writer to the fold, Lara Schiffbauer of the Motivation for Creation blog. Stop by to say hello and then see her first post with LLC over at Gary Gauthier’s place!

28 thoughts on “ROWing to Success!

  1. I’m with you on your challenge (a little late, but still here). Walking 2-3 miles several times a week and working with weights. I say ‘several’ because my days sometimes get away from me and I don’t get to the gym like I planned, but so far I’ve done something most days and been to the gym 3x last week and once this week already. I feel soooo much better. Keep up the motivation Marcia and reach your goals too. You CAN do it, as I can and this blog will help!

    • Oh, I’m glad you’ve gotten back to it, Helen! You’ve always been able to walk farther than me. I’m still doing just a mile and just managing to hit it 4 x a week. I don’t bounce back as quickly as I used to unfortunately. But I’m not giving up! I’ll be cheering you on!

  2. Second try (I hate it when I leave a comment and my computer freaks out and sends it to the same place my socks go!)… Congrats on your blog’s birthday! Sounds like you are really rocking it so far on your goals.

    I’m also in my third round of ROW80, and it’s made such a difference for my writing. The kicker is that I now have a writing community, something I sadly lacked when I published my first novel.

    Isn’t it amazing how a great week will keep you motivated?! I hope you continue to hit targets and feel good this round. Looking forward to keeping up with your progress.

    • Thank you, Tia! Yes, small successes feel great and do so much for motivation! I have a whole new attitude this round, so i believe I can get through it meeting all my goals. I wish the same for you and will stop over to share more support!

  3. Yeah, Marcia! You rocked out this week on the goals and are off to a great start. I’m so glad this round is clicking for you. I stumbled a bit on some parts during last round, and you are right that some progress is better than none. We can learn from it all. I’m doing Dallas Cowboy cheerleader-;like high kicks for you now. 🙂

  4. Way to go, Marica.. 😀 Seems you are moving right along. I think out of all my goals for a week, tweeting and retweeting tweets is the the most time consuming. I get sucked into Twitter and before I know it forty minutes have zinged by!

    *high five*

    • Thanks, Darlene! I agree that socializing is a time-suck. I had pretty good luck in keeping the amount of time it took down. I’m writing a post about it Friday for LLC on Jess Witkin’s blog. Stop by. Maybe there’ll be some ideas you can use.

  5. Fantastic week Marcia! Go you! Definitely looking forward to your post on the social media stuff as that is my biggest challenge. And I’d love to beta for you if you still need peeps. Best of luck with the upcoming week!

    • Thanks, Raelyn! I would love for you to beta for me! I’ll be in touch about it next month when it’s all closer to being finished. thanks again!

  6. “This is the 1st really good week I’ve ever had on the ROW” – I can promise you it won’t be the last. Keep up that great work.

  7. Awesome job on your goals, Marcia!

    I’m up to 13 walks in our challenge now. I know we are both going to make it. I saw over on Jen’s site that you volunteered to be an accountability partner for her as well. Can’t think of a better person than you to help keep her rolling.

    Have a fantastic week and keep striving to you best potential (which is pretty durn great) 🙂

    • Thanks, Gene! 13 is awesome! Yes, the more the merrier on this challenge! you come over, too, to #2012healthchallenge !
      I’m on way over to your place to see how well you’ve done!

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